As a boy I was fascinated by rocks, stones and gems. My first visit the the Museum of Natural History of West 81 st as part of PS#4 school trip was what started me. I bought my first box of rocks, and minerals in the gift shop. I was enthralled by my collection. Since then I have always included stones, rocks, minerals and gemstones as part of my learning process. It has been progress not perfection that keeps me reading about these topics as well as the rare opportunity to attend a gem show in Arizona. At one of these shows years ago I bought unique stones/gems/rocks which I still possess. There is one in every room of my home, as well as some near my beehives and near my pond,

“ A precious stone is a small, rare , hard stone which has inherited from Nature the name of beautiful “

This so elegantly describes a precious stone. It should be a mineral formed spontaneously in nature without human intervention. There are many modern artificial stones which are highly prized, and some quite expensive . I realize today that beauty is essentially a subjective concept and very individualized and therefore personal.

Once a jeweler told me “ Rarity is a criterion which has more to do with the beholder than the beheld. “

Quartz crystals have fascinated me through the years. The use of crystals, rocks, stones, minerals and gems are more part of health and healing than you might think. Certain of these have medicinal and physical properties and have been used in healing I didn’t realize my chemistry and physics courses throughout my education would help me understand these minerals et al. What am I trying to stay or stray…

Learning about minerals, stones, rocks, minerals and gems can enhance your life

Until tomorrow…