Dont be so quick to take your mask off—the pandemic is not over yet. The numbers are rising. There still is a vulnerable group not vaccinated — those that are less than 50 years in age and those that do not want to get vaccinated. There is an expected surge in cases as state officials lessen the restrictions. I think this is a bad idea
There are 4 vaccines on the market There are side effects and reported deaths . In the United States we have not had the Astra Zeneca vaccine. This is available in Europe and in other countries It has been reported that this vaccine is responsible for 77 % more adverse effects and 25 % mroe deaths. This was reported by 19 European countries- There have been reports of deadly blod clots. It reminds me of the deaths in individuals in the emergency room at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. At an Oslo Sweden Hospital the death of 3 individuals from blood clots has been reported caused by the Astra Seneca vaccine WE do not have Astra Seneca approved int he United States. There needs to be clarification about this vaccine as more is revealed
I feel it is ineviatable that no matter what age ( exception children and infants ) — you will get vaccinnated. Currently it is your choice. I do not know how long that will last. Being vaccinated and then actiing iresponsibly by not wearing a mask is WRONG. From my readings and resdearch there is another virulent strain sweeping across the United States This will be the fourth surge to cause deaths. Be Responsible
Until tomrorow…