On the cover of The Townsend Letter this month is my friend/colleague Dr Marc Grossman He has been in the integrative field for more than 35 years. His web site, www.naturaleyecare.com and www.visionworksusa.com has been instrumental in helping patients deal with their common eye ailments/conditions.

His Natural Eye Care, Your Guide to healthy vision and Healing is a 800 page landmark guide empowers you as the individual at any age to take better care of your eyes and protect your vision. He has certainly helped me throughout he years .

I love Dr Grossman because he always thinking outside the box. He will discuss glaucoma or any eye condition in relation to supplements/herbs as well as conventional treatments. He will discuss managing stress, using chinese medicine modalities as well as acupuncture. He gives insights into homeopathy and microcurrent stimulation for glaucoma.

I urge you to get his book. Look at his website and learn about your eyes

Until tomorrow…