Dark chocolate has many nutrients that can positively affect your health. Do you eat dark chocolate ? You should. Chocolate is derived from the cacao tree .
A 85 % cocoa 100 grams bar has 11 grams of fiber, 67 % required iron,. 58 % required magnesium, 89 % required copper, 98 % required manbganese. It has other trace minerals as zinc, and selenium
Remember it does contain sugar so consume with mdioeration ( like anything in life ). The best is that darkl chocolate has organic compounds that are bioloigical active which function as antioxidants. These are polyphenoils, favinoids and catechins.
Studies show that dark chocolate can decerase blood pressure as it produces nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels thus decerasing blood pressure. It raises HDL and protects the bad cholesterol ( LDL) fromn oxidation. By being protective against LDL oxidation it can decerase your risk for heart disease
Start consuming dark choclate in moderayion to help your health
Until tomorrow…