I am not talking about an episode on The Crown or Bridgerton nor Prince Charle’s wife. I am discussing the widely studied herb, Camellia sinensis otherwise known as green tea. Years ago I published a paper in an Integrative Journal with Robert Pastore. It discussed the many uses and clinical research of green tea, Since that time, it continues to be studied and I continue to publish about green tea as well as television segment on tea consumption.
Its active component is a catechin called EGCG, otherwise a polyphenols. These catechins are present in white and black tea as well. Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of green tea for many diseases. These include cardiac diseases, auto immune diseaess and even cancer.
Some of the current research has been the neuroprotective benefits, It has shown to improve brain performance, cognitive improvement in Alzheimer’s and dementia and in Parkinson’s disease
I used to discuss the consumption of 20 to 24 cups of green tea for these benefits, Studies have now discussed 6-8 cups ( which can be done ). If you do not like green tea then buy a green tea in capsule form with high amounts of EGCG ( greater than 75 % ) The rate of cognitive disorders was 36 % lower in patients that consumed greenb tea versus those that did not.
I am a tea drinker so this is no struggle for me. Be a tea drinker yourself
Until tomorrow…