What do you think of when an individual tells you he/she takes magnesium? Some think of this mineral as needed when you take calcium. Some think of it as part of their multi vitamin. We know most Americans are deficient in magnesium in their diets/ It has been estimated that about 48 % of Americans from all age groups are below the estimated average requirement. This does not surprise me at all. This is just one of the major nutrients that are missing in the typical American diet.

Many use different forms of Magnesium for constipation. Some use it with an amino acid, theanine for the calmness he /she can achieve. I use magnesium in my practice for high blood pressure ( hypertension) and control of arrhythmias ( palpitations)

Low levels of magnesium have been linked to cardiovascular diseases as stroke, coronary artery disease leading to stroke, arrhythmias, and even death

Consult your health care practitioner if magnesium is right for you

Until tomorrow…