Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients your body needs on a daily basis to maintain optimal health and well-being. While this essential vitamin is best known for its ability to support the healthy function of the immune system nearly all the organs in your body can benefit from vitamin C.

I use Vitamin C both orally and by infusion- - intrabvenously. There are studies to support high dose Vitamin C for cancer prevention and cancer support.

Since the body can't store or produce vitamin C on its own, you need to acquire it from the foods you eat. Vitamin C supplements provide a convenient way to get your daily dose of this essential nutrient. There are mnay foods that contain Vitamin C. Amla contains a high quantity of Vitamin C. Non-GMO origins and manufactured under exhaustive standards for purity and safety are the best Vitamin C products available.

Ask your health care practitioners for the best vitamin C products available. Call Botanical Bounty at 646 723 1823 for the Vitamin C best to suit your needs…

Until tomorrow…