In my medical practice I use a lot of herbs. Many herbs have benefit to certain diseases. I learned about herbs through my Fellowship of Integrative Medicine in Arizona. I further did other courses and certifications. I then became a registered herbalist with the American Herbal Guild. I read constantly. I could never learn about all the herbs throughout the world. Recently I purchased a very informative book . It is Medical Herbs in Primary Medicine by Jean Bokelmann, MD
This book is not only for herbalists but should be used for the general allopathic physician who is not familiar with herbs. It is An Evidence Guided Reference for Healthcare Practitioners.
There are monographs with references for 77 Herbs. In addition, for the new practitioner not familiar with herbs there are two parts discussing the following:
Herbal Basics
Disease Table divided into
a. System Based Diseases
b. Generalized Systemic Diseases
The book is well done, very informative and should be used as a reference when using herbs in your clinical practice.