Every pregnant female wants optimal health to deliver a healthy baby. Today , we live in uncertain times . This is due to the current COVID pandemic, and the toxic environment. Both Raspberry lead ( Rubus idaeus) and Nettle ( Urtica dioica) are high in nutrotional elements that are needed for a healthy uterus. Conventional ( allopathic) obstetricians do not recommend herbs.
Many herbs are safe and used in pregnancy. Nettle builds the blood and supports blood volume changes. It gives plenty of oxygen to the tissues. Many women feel it might cause contractions, but it does NOT.
Nettle strengthens the muscles of the uterus. There are other herbs that have nutritious as Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa) which contains plenty of magnesium and calcium. Some women feel more comfortable with Milky Oats ( Avena sativaDon’t forget Peppermint and Ginger for the upset stomachs during pregnancy
Until tomorrow…