"Gluten-Free" is a very real, researched, and scientifically sound lifestyle intervention that can change your life and health. I knew what ‘ gluten free’ was 20 years ago, but didn’t pay attention to it. I learned about gluten fere from my friend,/actress Jennifer Esposito. She has an autoimmune disease called Celiac Disease . It was from her and her book Jennifer’s Jennifer's Way: My Journey with Celiac Disease--What Doctors Don't Tell · which I learned and studied a gluten free lifestyle. She kindly wrote about when we met and what I told her to do about her Celiac Disease
When I went gluten-free over 10 years ago, most people had never heard of that term and had no idea what I was talking about. Now “gluten-free” has become somewhat of a health fad with everyone trying it out just because it’s popular. It is real. It is not a fad. It might be a fad for some people, but for individuals with Celiac Disease or Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity — it is real. Jennifer Esposito even wrote a second book , Jennifer’s Way Kitchen: Easy Allergen-Free, Anti Inflammatory Recipes for a Delicious Life. Gluten is a lectin. Naturally occurring, gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye. An intolerance for gluten can result in medical conditions that need to be managed with changed diets and lifestyle choices. Oat is also a gluten but can be consumed by some individuals. I can only consume oat if stated gluten free and I need to look at the source. Whole wheat bread, white bread, rye bread, sourdough bread and bagels contain gluten as well as noodles, gnocchi, and dumplings. There are more. Even condiments as ketcup, salad dressings, malt vinegar, soy sauce, marinades and certain gravy mixes
It is a dedication to be gluten free but as Jennifer states —it is easy. It is your health we are talking about not a fad
I urge you to read her books. Watch videos that we did through the years. I am proud of my friend Jennifer Esposito for being the first individual who has spoken out about Celiac and done something about it. Many individuals have gotten on the band wagon- but I know and love who started it.
Until tomorrow