In the interview, Dr. Jessica Rose discussed the systemic flaws of the VAERS system, flaws that stop the passive reporting system from working in the public’s interest, as was originally intended. The pharmacovigilance system was set up in 1990 to detect issues with vaccines, to alert regulatory agencies and the public about serious adverse events and contraindications for specific vaccines. The data is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare professionals input the data into the system, and have a narrow thirty-minute window to complete the report. In 2021, healthcare workers have been overwhelmed with vaccine injury reports and have not had the time to enter them all into the system. Many medical concerns associated with the covid vaccine are overlooked, discarded or discounted as coincidental or normalized reactions to the vaccine

The hundreds of thousands of adverse event reports that have been filed paint a grisly picture of medical malfeasance. These serious public health issues have yet to be addressed by any regulatory agency or judicial process. In the past, vaccines were pulled from the market if the VAERS system documented more than fifty deaths from a single vaccine. In 2021, there have been more than 20,000 deaths recorded in just ten months. Up to 97 percent of these issues are coming from the new mRNA covid vaccines, not the rest of the vaccine supply. Instead of pulling the deadly products from the market, the federal government has issued unlawful mandates, coercing individuals to take part in the depopulation experiment. This might be the biggest flaw with the system yet: The agencies that are supposed to oversee the data and alert the public to medical atrocities are the same entities trying to push a narrative forward – that vaccines are “safe and effective.” (Related: COVID vaccine experiment causes monstrous spike in vaccine injuries and death serious adverse events under-reported by a factor of eight.)

I urge you to read Natural News .

Until tomorrow…