Today, the majority of cancers are found too late, when results are often deadly. The earlier that cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chance of successful treatment and survival. Several cancer types, such as breast, colorectal, cervical, prostate and lung, can be detected through screening tests. However, the majority of cancer deaths each year are from cancers with no routine screening.
This is a new test. This is NOT a test for genes , as in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2
The Galleri test works by analyzing methylation patterns of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the bloodstream using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and machine-learning algorithms. All cells—cancer and non-cancer—shed DNA into the bloodstream. Methylation is a process used by cells to regulate gene expression. cfDNA can carry cancer-specific information in its methylation patterns. Different cancers shed DNA into the bloodstream at different rates. The proportion of tumorderived cfDNA in the blood tends to increase as cancer progresses. Cancers that shed more DNA tend to be associated with higher mortality. The greater the proportion of tumor-derived cfDNA in a sample, the stronger the cancer signal and the more likely it is to be detected by the Galleri test.
Fratellone Medical Associates is proud to announce we are offering this test. Although this test is not covered by insurance, it can be beneficial for some of our patients. If you feel you may need this test. please contact our office for an appointment at 212 421 3202
Until tomorrow…