As I always say—chronic disease is linked to the air we breathe, the foods we eat and the water we drink. The truth is we are living in a toxic world. These harmful toxins can include mold, glycophates and even metals. One of these metals is cadmium Cadmium is found in the earth’s crust. It is also found in cigarettes, rechargeable batteries, electroplating, alloys and pigments. Certain professions have a higher risk of cadmium exposure as welders, miners, painters and landfill waste workers. Cadmium can also be found in soil fertilizers.
Cadmium has been linked to renal ( kidney ) damage , reproductive or developmental damages , skeletal damage, cardiovascular damage and even cancer,
As a cardiologist it has been linked to hypertension. This can also be seen in lead toxicity. It exerts its toxic effect by depleting cellular antioxidants , enhancing growth of cancer cells, interferes with DNA re[air and much more.
You can detoxify this metal from your body. You can use detox binders, infrared saunas and even chelation therapy intravenously or rectal suppositories.