Although you might have an Aunt Annie who is sweet — I am talking about the plant Sweet Annie also known as Artemisia annua . Plants for centuries have been used against parasites and even tumors. So it is no surprise to me about this plant. So this antimalarial treatment is now being seriously considered and evaluated for its efficacy against COVID-19. The treatment is made from the plant Artemisia annua, which most people know as Sweet Wormwood Other names for this plant include Annual Sagewort

In a recent in vitro study, both pretreatment and treatment with artemisinin extracts, synthetic artemisinin and the drug artesunate were able to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, artesunate was the most potent in terms of treatment, and from a clinical perspective may be the only one worth pursuing

  • Artesunate’s mechanism of action against SARS-CoV-2 is as yet unknown, but artemisinin does have confirmed antiviral activity

This was published on Dr Mercola’s website .

There is more news The World Health Organization has come out in opposition to artemisinin-based products, warning their use can bolster drug-resistant strains of malaria parasites. For this reason, people living in malaria-prone areas should be cautious about using this plant remedy

In addition to the above I have discussed my patients to use zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin D and NAC. Personally I have found that low dose naltrexone ( LDN) has prevented COPVID in my patients who take LDN for autoimmune disease, cancer, chronic fatigue and Lyme. For myself I have been getting 8-10 bee stings with live bees at least two to three times a week. I believe this has prevented me from acquiring COVID.

Until tomorrow