Tongkat Ali ( Euurycoma longifolia Jack) is also called Longjack. In Malaysia it has been used for years to increase libido ( sexual energy) and to treat erectile dysfunction.
How does it do this? Tongkat appears to work by increasing testosterone levels. Many men want to use testosterone topically or by injection. Both will work, but testosterone levels must be monitored. Also you should realize that testosterone has been abused in certain populations so every state has different regulations on testosterone prescriptions. Before I prescribe testosterone I measure the amount of estrogen, progesterone and LH in the male patient. As men ago we increase the activity of aromatase enzyme. This enzyme allows the conversion of testosterone to the female hormones to occur quickly. Sometimes I will prescribe a natural aromatase inhibitor as chrysin or quercitin.
Normal healthy testosterone levels maintain a better energy level, better mood, and increased sex drive and libido.
The side effects Tongkat can include insomnia, anxiety and restlessness. I have seen this root decrease sugar levels. You must be cautious if the patient is taking any diabetic agent to lower his blood sugar. I would not use Tongkat on any patient with diabetes, prostate Ca or breast cancer. Since a low testosterone is a risk factor for heart disease, it is controversial if Tongkat should be used in men with heart disease.
It is not an easy root to dig up. It cannot be harvested in its country of origin, Malaysia as it is protected. In Indonesia it can be harvested and the only place where it grows wild and can be used.
Until tomorrow…