Since we are made of energy, I want to discuss auras and chakras. Your main aura color reflects your personality type and traits. Lets go through all the colors of the aura.

1. Deep Red - physical, hardworking, powerful, vital, grounded, strong
2. Red - excitement, energetic, competitive, winner, will power
3. Orange - productive, physical and creative expression, business, enjoyment
4. Orange-Yellow- analytical, intellectual, detail-oriented, logical, structured
5. Yellow- playful, sunny, easy going, creative, intellectual, curious, active
6. Green - social, natural, content, harmonious, teacher, communicative, quick minded
7. Deep-Green - quick minded, goal oriented, social, material, organizer
8. Blue- caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, loyal, peaceful, desire to of service
9. Indigo-clarity, calm, deep inner feelings, loyal, introverted, artistic
10. Violet- intuitive, artistic, theorist, futuristic, visionary, innovative
11. Lavender- imaginative, mystical, fantasy, soft, fragile, sensitive, often spacey
12. White - transcendent, transformation, imaginative, quiet, higher dimension

The body has energy centers or chakras. There are seven chakras.

1. Base Chakra - located at end of spine which corresponds to life energy, emotional strength will power and sexuality
2. Navel Chakra - below the navel; corresponds to creative, productive and emotional expression
3. Solar Plexus Chakra - located at the solar plexus; corresponds to personal power, creative and intellectual thoughts
4. Heart Chakra - located around the heart and corresponds to communication, speech and social abilities
5. Throat Chakra - located around the throat and corresponds to speech, social , and verbal abilities
6. Third Eye Chakra - located between the eyes and corresponds to intuition, vision, artistic and creative thoughts
7. Crown Chakra - located at the top of the head and corresponds to intuition, spirituality and enlightenment

The body can heal through energy. There are studies, some conventional and some alternative to indicate that energy can heal the body. Most doctors and health professionals do not know about energy medicine and healing. Most do not know about chakras and auras. Every aspect of medicine is important in the healing process. This does include the field of Energy Medicine. This ever growing field is gaining the interest of a wide range of individuals.

Individuals can be Left Dominant or Heart Dominant. The left 'female' side of your body has a higher energy level than your right active masculine side. Some questions that might be asked include: a. are you experiencing physical ailments on your left side? b. is your left side more sensitive?

When your heart dominates you might be asked the following. a. do you have friends and family you can share feelings with? b. do you have strong intense emotions in your heart at that moment.
Energy Medicine can not taught by books. You must experience the work of an energy healing practitioner.
Be opened minded, explore!!

Until tomorrow…