Here are natural Remedy for Gout . I do not recommend all four herbs together I prefer both Devil's Claw and Celery Seed.

Devil’s Claw
(Harpagophytum procumbens)
This herb is well known as a herbal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is also well indicated as a treatment for gout as it works as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory with a secondary action as a mild diuretic. Note that devil’s claw is not indicated if there are gastric ulcers or hyperchlorhydria (over production of digestive juices).

Celery Seed (Apium graveolins)
Celery seed has been used traditionally for the clearance of acidic metabolites via the kidneys, and traditional sources recommend its use for rheumatism, arthritis and gout. This herb has also demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity against chronic inflammation during an Australian open, pre-clinical trial of 12-weeks duration. People prone to gout may reduce the frequency and severity of their episodes by using celery Seed as a preventative measure. Do not take celery seed on your own. The doses must be changed if the patient has any sort of renal insufficiency.

These last two herbs I have discussed at other times as the great anti-inflammatory herbs/ I would also put Ginger in this group.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Tumeric is a member of the ginger family and has a distinctive yellow colour; and is often used as a spice and colouring agent. Curcumin, found in tumeric, which gives Tumeric’s bright colour, is regarded as a potent anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agent. In two studies tumeric has shown to have similar efficacy to cortisone when taken at the tested dose of 6-12 grams. This high dose of tumeric may casue soime gastrointestinal upset. Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) Boswellia resin has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The active constituents, boswellic acids, reduce the formation of inflammatory leukotrienes, which is a principle characteristic of gout. Improvement in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was observed in open trials for both boswellic acid and Boswellia. For gout, boswellia works well in combination with celery seed and ginger.
I have seen other herbalists use both rosemary and nettles for gout. I have used dandelion to decrease the fluid retention that sometimes occurs in gout. I have never used Juniper or Mugwort for Gout, but there is literature regarding these herbs.
While reading and studying for herbs I came across the Autumn Crocus also called the Meadow Saffron being used to treat gout. I will blog about this flower at another time.
Natural gout treatment is also aimed at treating the cause of gout, including dietary habits that have contributed to this condition and foods that help to relieve gout. Combining diet with a herbal and nutritional approach is the best way to proceed. If you want to improve elimination via the kidneys and liver, and reducing foods known to aggravate gout, is a sensible approach to an easily prevented condition.
Historically gout played a role in the American Revolution as well as the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson both signers suffered from severe gout. It has been said that Benjamin was carried to the Constitutional Convention due to his gouty symptoms.
Since gout was once considered the rich man disease you can see why King Henry VIII suffered from gout. Maybe it was his many wives that predisposed him. But then again he disposed of his wives rather quickly.

Uuntil tomorrow…