Everyone WANTS no wrinkles. As we age no matter what the skin loses moisture, elasticity and internal cell support. There are many products on the market that supposedly help. There is something you can do as be careful about sun exposure, and the food we eat Food and exercise is a great way to help support the skin. By exercising you circulate proper nutrition to the body and thus to the largest organ—the skin.

There are many plants that have been used for the skin over the centuries. Some of these are Lemon Balm ( Melissa ) , Fennel, and Cayenne. Some individuals believe in ingesting Avocados for preventing wrinkles.

I do believe that the Fennel seeds work. Steep a handful of fennel seeds in boiling water Strain out the seeds and add two teaspoon of plan yogurt and one teaspoon of raw honey. Apply as a mask for thirty minutes

You will be impressed with the results.

Until tomorrow…