Salvia officinalis is Common Sage or Garden Sage. We all have heard of sage. Any botanical name that contains the word officinalis means it can be used as medicine. In Latin Salvia means Saviour. It has been touted over centuries to strengthen the mind and promote the growth of wisdom. Although it might be considered to promote the growth of wisdom— wisdom comes from making mistake as all mistakes are learning experiences for growth of an individual .

The uses of sage are various. It has been used to dry up mother’s milk, slow the excretion of fluids, reduce excessive perspiration, reduce hot flashes, and as a natural deodorant. It reduces perspiration due to its content of tannins and volatile oils. The oils have antiseptic, astrigent and irritant properties.

I do not think I use enough Sage with my patients. One of the best uses I read about is to color silver hair and as a rinse use to return hair to its original color

Until tomorrow…