"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous

I have been asked many times … Can I give corona virus to my pet whether cat or dog ? The simple answer is NO Coronaviruses occur in virtually every species of animal, including humans, and are commonly associated with unapparent or transient intestinal and respiratory infections. There has been discussions about coronaviruses and cats. Cats do have feline coronaviruses. There is debate whether if your cat has feline coronaviruses can the cat give you antibodies and protect you against coronaviruses. I would say yes, but possibly not the coronavirus that we have been dealing with in the pandemic.

The various coronaviruses have been sequenced and their relationship to each other determined. The common cold-causing coronaviruses of humans (OC43, 229E and NL63) are in the alphacoronavirus group, along with the intestinal coronavirus of our pet cats and dogs. The more recently humanized strains of coronavirus, MERS, SARS and COVID-19 have jumped over from the beta coronaviruses of bats, possibly by intermediate infection of other animals such as camels and civet cats

.Although coronaviruses can jump from one host to another, this is a slow process and requires significant genetic change. There is no evidence that coronaviruses of our common veterinary species have entered humans in the recent past or vice versa.

So in conclusion, hug and kiss your pet .. that includes your dog ( or bird, in my case) despite we discussed all cats

Until tomorrow…