JULY 17-19 2020 COVID 19

We are still in deep with COVID 19. I have not written abut it here for a week or two, but I wanted to let you know—it is not over . Some say the COVID deaths are going down despite some states have flattened and some states have numbers soaring

First, I do know what is true and what is exactly being reported. We don’t now until three to four later about deaths from surges. I do know from colleagues that those that have had COVID are still suffering. I have seen individuals in my offices that had COVID ( blood test proven) that still do not feel well. I had a patient with persistent pericarditis( fluid around the heart) that still is suffering. There are long lasting impacts on patients S0me of those still suffering although fearful to go into the ER —require hospitalization THIS IS NOT OVER There is a dramatic change in lung status

As you have read my blogs about COVID in the past, there are many theories about the virus origin, 5G input, germ warfare etc. I do know this—people have died, people are still dying and people are suffering who have had the illness and people are grieving from their losses

Be pro-active . Be smart. Wear a mask and social distance

Until tomorrow…