If you need a quick energy boosting and cancer preventing food I would suggest eating a variety of nuts. I have discussed the beneficial use of Walnuts and Almonds in the past as well as a variety of seeds as Pumpkin seeds. One nut , the Pecan has many health benefits.
When I think of Pecans I think of Virginia and Nancy Byrd’s Pecan pie. I wasn’t fond of pecans if not for the pie. However one ounce of pecans contains 3 grams of protein in addition to healthy fats ( like other nuts )
Pecans have been shown to decrease the bad cholesterol , LDL. Pecans are high in monosaturated fats. One specific one is oleic acid . It has been shown to lower the expression of a gene called Her2/neu This gene is involved with the expression of breast cancer. The activation of this gene is associated with aggressive breast tumors and a poor prognosis.
Perhaps this is the reason I recommend a Mediterranean diet ( without the bread and the pasta) as this diet is high in monosaturated fats like oleic acid.
Until tomorrow…