Today, with extra time on your hands .. you should start listening to podcasts, TED talks and any other information regarding COVID. Translating science into clinical practice is not an easy task. It is especially difficult at this time when people who shouldn’t be discussing science are discussing these topics. This includes medication being used, vaccines in the work and that antibody testing should be done. ee need to communicate properly to our patients. It is so important at tis time during a pandemic crisis.

Quarantine and civil liberty is a hot topic being discussed these days. This is a complex difficult subject for all involved. Bioethics and COVID is so important. I recently heard Dr Jeffrey Dobken, MD MPH speak on these topics. He is not a lawyer but a clinical doctor. You can listen to this webnar on YouTube sponsored by the Association of American Physicians.

“I think it is a grand idea, and I hope someday Americans might try it’ said Gandhi on American Democracy.

This is what I needed to hear. He discussed ethics and bioethics concerning this pandemic of COVID 19. Goodness and badness are always discussed These have been discussed for centuries He discussed significant cases as the Tuskagee Syphilis Study ( 1932-1972) , Willowbrook Study and the Belmont Report ( 1979 )

I urge you to listen to this YouTube presentation It shed light on bioethics during this pandemic

Until tomorrow…