I have lived in New York City for most of my life. I have lived through the AIDS epidemic and the loss of lives. I have lived through 9/11 and the loss of lives. And now I am living through the COVID pandemic and the loss of lives. I have volunteered during this crisis. I have watched New Yorkers die. I have lost patients to COVID. On my trips into New York City from Connecticut to volunteer I have seen empty streets, and empty lives.
I recently read an article by James Marcus. I read it carefully and was sad when I finished. He is right. Enough is enough. We have followed all the recommendations and restrictions. We have social distanced as we were told. We flattened the curve. I am in awe of the job Governor Cuomo has done. Now it needs to end. We are following his phases.
Yet New York City is dying . There are starving New Yorkers waiting on food lines. There are businesses closing. I had to move my medical practice as I can no longer afford the previous rent. Some businesses cannot re open despite loans they have generously received. There is no social life anymore in a city that was the most vibrant.
We are the most diverse city in the United States. Our people came together after 9/11 in a way that to this day I am proud to be a resident of New York City. It is time to that again. WE must open now.
Until tomorrow…