MAY 15-17, 2020 CHANGES

The National Stockpile is going to be robust according to the officials. Well it is about time. It is estimated this is the big time - over 1 billion N95 masks. Well let’s face it we were not prepared when the pandemic started. There is going to be more of a range of different supplies and constantly replenish Prior to this pandemic we hadn’t had a pandemic of a virus for 10 years. I feel we have to be prepared because a second wave and certainly a third wave is going to be just around the corner.

We are seeing the outbreaks in nursing homes. And there is now outbreaks being reported in jails. Life has changed. There has to be CDC recommendations for these facilities and operational. This virus is NOT going away. You will see a lot of items being ‘ disposable’

There is still a lab of testing supplies and testing facilities. We are seeing this in New York City. We all will know someone who got ill and possibly died.

And then there is the awaiting vaccine. I could write pages of information about vaccines. What will this vaccine contain ? Let me remind you that previous vaccines had toxic metals and other unwanted materials. DPT has aluminum salts, Influenza vaccine (Fluad) has polysorbate 80, Influenza (Flucelax) has canine kidney cell proteins, Influenza ( Fluzone) has formaldehyde and so on. Do you want a vaccine ? Will you be mandated to get one ?

until tomorrow….