I have been quarantined like all of you. I do many hobbies to keep busy as well as phone consults for patients and volunteering hospital shifts

I am reading reports about this corona virus. I have blogged on how to help your immune system. I have blogged about 5G, and vaccinations. I want to educate people. I want to make individuals aware of other medical options that are available.

I want to propose some questions for you to ponder about. Start to make your own conclusions

  1. Event 201 was held in October 2019 by Bill Gates. It was a practice drill for a presumed corona epidemic

  2. Is this a virus? Or is it poisoning from 5 G radiation? The people dying are dying from what appears to be altitude sickness at normal altitudes. The people dying have decreased heme in their red blood cells. A virus doesn’t do this Viruses also do not deplete zinc from the body

  3. Individuals placed on ventilators have a 87 % mortality. Ventilators are not the answer. Perhaps Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the answer

  4. Viruses don’t cause blood clots. Their are individuals who have had their leg amputated . For what ? Not a virus

  5. Some parents are fine with some mandatory vaccinations for children. Will individuals be fine with government mandated corona virus vaccinations

  6. Is corona Ig G and Ig M serum testing reliable? If you are ig G negative for corona will you be mandated by the government to get the vaccine

  7. Was this a planned epidemic by the government? Is this a way to decrease the world population. Is this germ warfare

  8. Every hospital gets $13,000 for a corona virus diagnosis from insurance companies.

  9. Every hospital gets $ 39,000 for placing a patient on a ventilator from the insurance company

  10. What is really going on ?

I don’t have the answers . I have read and read . I am confused to what is actually happening in the world as we once knew it. I do know that

This too shall pass

Until tomorrow