Beyond my wildest dreams.

10 years ago I started to write a daily blog. It was called Stitch Your Way to a Healthy Heart ( ) I thought it was a good way to educate my patients as well as educate myself on different subjects. It had a thought for the day. I reflected thoughts in the blog on my personal life. Every Friday the blog discussed a hobby as a way to boost self esteem. The hobby varied from Knitting, to painting to Stamping Cards to building a ship in a bottle. To be honest

I did it to compete with someone else who was starting to write a daily blog. Let me tell you this : 10 years later the other person never continued their blog and is no longer in my life. A lot has changed. I can say I am happier today than I was 10 years ago.

Today I am grateful, humble and blessed. There are no mistakes in life — only lessons to be learned. I have learned a lot about myself ( and others)

As Edith Piaf sang , “ No Regrets “

No ! No regrets

No ! I will have no regrets

All the things

That went wrong

For at last I have learned to be strong

No ! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

For the grief doesn’t last

It is gone

I’ve forgotten the past ….


Here’s to another 10 years of blogging

Until tomorrow…