Last night I listened to a webnar sponsored by the American Herbal Guild given by Thomas Avery Garran, PhD/TCM I am very grateful for the opportunity to listen to Dr Garran who was speaking from China. I am also grateful to be a professional member of the American Herbal Guild.
As he spoke on COVID and the herbal treatments I couldn’t help to think that the US cases have surpassed China. We are far away from the first case diagnosed in the state of Washington on January 20,2020. In NYC we are in the throws of a serious pandemic with its apex not even here.
I am NOT proficient in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr Garran discussed the many TCM formulations that be used for an infection that affects the lungs, the digestion and eventually deeper into the lung. He discussed how herbs can help the first two stages of lung and digestion By the time the individual has what I think is the third stage- intubation and a ventilator might be needed. The course of the COVID can change rapidly and patients must be watched closely
There are many herbs that can be used for the cough seen in COVID. Some of the more common ones would be elecampane, mulberry leaf and grindelia ( gum weed) I have used only elecampane. I would use Lobelia and Horehound. He discussed using Hyssop as a tea in large doses which I found very interesting.
For protection he mentioned 3 good herbs: Paeonia lactflora, Scropholaria, and Glycyrrhizia. The most common to the layperson is the last one which is Licorice Root.
I am a herbalist who loves echinaceae.
There is more time for me to listen to webnars during this quarantine. If I learn something new every day I feel accomplished and knowledgeable