People with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) often have intrusive recurring thoughts that include fears of getting sick or of harm coming to a family member or loved one. With a global epidemic looming large, it can exacerbate feelings of STRESS and ANXIETY. And those compulsive behaviors that interfere with your everyday life can become even more time-consuming and more disruptive.
For those with OCD, take a deep breath. There are clear cut guidelines on the Center for Disease Control website- Do’s and Don’ts. Be smart
If you need to social distance follow the recommendations. I would suggest a good book to read and avoid reading the news or watching the news. Yes, it is real news and can get upsetting at times. Don’t overreact in times like this.
I know it easier said than actually doing or worrying. Follow your own routines that you have been doing except with more caution about contact with other individuals.
WE all will get through this— I promise.
Until tomorrow…