There comes a time when you have to trust you instincts or “ your gut” I have had dental issues from childhood . Unfortunately I was on a medication that severely discolored and damaged my teeth. From a young age I needed bonding and then veniers.
Dental plaque is the main cause of periodontal ( also known as gum) disease. This dental plaque is a film of bacteria that forms of the teeth. When the bacteria settle on your teeth they form a white film called a biofilm. If not removed these form ‘ pockets’ This pocket is the separation between the teeth and the gums. The plaque can harden into deposits which is called tartar. You need a professional well experienced dental hygienist.
About 20 years I met an extraordinary dental hygienist, Sandra Senzon. She had a cable network television show called the Tooth Fairy. She is an author of a book called “ Reversing Gum Disease” She is truly a fairy as she saved my teeth. She is an artist healer. She uses no machine as the cavitron nor chemicals to clean your teeth. Studies have shown the pros and cons of power scalers. She uses hand held tools and herbs to help your teeth. She does what most cannot do. She heals ‘pockets’ and reverses gum disease. She is a master of botanical medicine. She knows the right herbs to use for your teeth.
She turned me on to using a water pik with high grade peroxide and essential oils to clean my teeth. I do not floss. I use my water pik. I even have a water pik when I travel.
Since there is a connection between gum disease and the heart. This has been well documented and researched.
Make your appointment to see Sandra Senzon today
Call 212 684 1844 Don’t delay in helping the decay of your teeth and gums