One of the most important cancer foundation is the Beljanski Foundaton located in New York City. It is headed up by Slvie Baljanski whose father did cancer research in Europe. His work continues with two herbs Pao Pereira and Rauwolfa vomitica. Both of these herbs are in a product from the foundation called Onkobel. I use this product and many of the resource at the foundation .

The first research paper has been published by the foundation on the effects of Pao extract on the full spectrum of prostate health including chronic inflammation, cancer and late stage disease. The study demonstrated the herbs effect at reversing existing prostate enlargement. The extract inhibits the enzymes that change testosterone into its aggressive form which triggers BPH ( benign prostatic hypertrophy ) Therefore this herb works as well as the conventional drug, finasteride ( Proscar) The herb has no side effects as compared to the conventional drug

For more information contact media@beljanski.org

Until tomorrow