There are many herbs that are better than conventional drugs. Some of the herbs have gotten a bad rap- examples are Kratom and Comphrey. One herb that falls into this category is St John’s Wort.

St. John’s wort is a common herb that many people may be surprised to find in our list of forbidden remedies. Its Latin name is Hypericum perforatum and it is a small, shrubby plant with yellow flowers.

It is one of the most famous herbal remedies for depression, with several studies backing up its use. However, experts have urged caution when using St. John’s wort as it can interact with many other medications. I have never had a bad reaction with this herb and medications . I just don’t see it. It is also possible to use the herb as a topical preparation to aid wound healing.

Other uses include sunburn, nerve trauma, sore muscles, bruising, burns, and varicose veins. I use it for the neuropathy after shingles, or Bell’s Palsy. It is a very helpful herb

Until tomorrow…