High levels of heavy metals have been linked to many problems. Some of these metals are linked to Parkinson’s Disease as Aluminum and mercury is linked to arrhythmia ( palpitations )
Finally the American Heart Association published a report that high levels of mercury and lead can cause increased levels of the low density lipoprotein , the bad cholesterol abbreviated LDL. Those with the highest level of lead were 56 % more likely to have a high cholesterol and 73 % more likely to have high cholesterol if they had a high mercury
This means to have your doctor do a blood test for these metals on your next blood test. If this isn’t high do not stop there. You can find an Integrative Physician / Functional Medicine MD like myself to do further testing. This can involve using a provoking agent DMSA or EDTA ( these are chelators) This test is done by Doctors Data in Chicago It requires a 6 hour or a 24 hour urine collection after talking the provoking agent. Some states with the USA still allow hair analysis for heavy metals
Screening for heavy metals should be part of a cardiovascular work up