As the year comes to a close we ALL have had a tough year. A political election year and a pandemic . What we need to think about in the next year is saving our planet. One of the causes I have strived to help is our bees. The wild bee face a variety of external threats—many caused by man. The years of intensive farming , changing urban habitats and the wide spread use of pesticides. Pesticides need to be stopped.

It is not only the honeybee that has declining populations. The bumblebee - nearly one of four of the 68 species face extinction. Rudolf Steiner in 1920 on his Lectures on Honeybees predicted that in 100 years bees would be gone. He is not far off from that statement

In 1962 — 58 years ago ,Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring warned the world about the devastating impact of pesticides on the environment. What have we done ? I can tell you this - WE haven’t done enough. DDT has been responsible for the wiping out the wildlife of most bees and birds. It was banned in 1972 due to human cancer risk and environmental hazards. More needs to be done. You can help

Stop using pesticides in your own gardens. Stop buying pesticides. Boycott the sale of pesticides. In the 1990’s new pesticides, neonictinoids were introduced and still used today. These pesticides attack the insects nervous system on contact or ingestion. It has been responsible for Colony Collapse Disorder in the United States and in Europe

Help me in the fight to save bees whom are Living on the Edge Support your local beekeeper. Support the American Apitherapy Society ( for which I am vice president)

Until tomorrow…