As we age our bones have a tendency to get thinner and weaker. This can lead to osteopenia and then osteoporosis. The latter can lead to bone fractures. There are many conventional medications on the market for osteoporosis prevention Like all medications there are side effects. There has been great studies of Vitamin D for a variety of health concerns not only limited to osteoporosis. These studies have been for cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer prevention. We do know that many patients with COVID 19 had a lower than normal Vitamin D levels upon presentation to the emergency rooms.

We also do know that another vitamin has been studied for prevention of bone fractures. This is Vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinone -4 or MK 4. This is not a new vitamin. Perhaps you have never heard of K2. The higher than average dose of 45 mg has been shown to slow bone loss, build new bone, thus reducing fracture risk.

A two year study revealed that high dose Vitamin K2 reduced the number of fractures by 50 %. It is an essential supplement to restore bone density. There are many great supplements for bone as strontium, Boron, calcium and magnesium We do know that high dose calcium above 500 mg is never used as it has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in menopausal female patients.

It has also been shown that Vitamin K2 does not interfere with a commonly prescribed class of drugs for osteoporosis. This class of drugs is known as the biphosphonates. Most good vitamin companies today include Vitamin K2 with their vitamin D supplement. I like to utilize a liquid Vitamin D which has a good dosage of Vitamin K2 with it.

Talk to your doctor about taking both Vitamin D and Vitamin K2

Until tomorrow…