Stevia is a sweetener and sugar substitute  derived from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana native to Brazil  and Paraguay. The active compounds are steviol which have been shown to have 30-150 times more sweetness than sugar. It is rather non toxic compared to white sugar. Stevia is heat stable and non fermentable.

Importantly the body does not metabolize the glycosides in stevia and does contain zero calories.

Other substitute as Equal, Splenda and Sweet n Low also contain zero calories, but studies have shown these compounds to be toxic and are linked to cancer. As far as we know and what has been studied, Stevia is neither harmful nor toxic

We thought the same for others above until investigated years later. You can obtain stevia in powder or liquid. Stevia has a long history of use in South America with promising results.

Stevia is sold as Stevia but it also found in the product Truvia.

Until tomorrow…