You need a good immune system to fight any disease. A strong and healthy immune system, in a sense, is like wearing armor. It helps protect your body on two levels through your first and second lines of defense. Your first line of defense against outside invaders is known as your innate immune system.
White blood cells circulate in your blood stream as a first line of defense against invaders.
Consists of many parts – physical barriers such as your skin and mucous membranes, chemical barriers such as acidic environments, and enzymes that destroy invaders.
Includes Natural Killer (NK) white blood cells that effectively target and kill invading cells.
Has phagocytes (white blood cells) that produce chemical signaling proteins called cytokines and chemokines.
Recognizes Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns, or common structures that show up in yeasts, bacteria and pathogens (1,3 beta glucan is one of those patterns but more about that later).
Produces “good” inflammation at the site of infection, which then promotes the activation of NK cells and phagocytes
There are many supplements and herbs to support and protect your immune system In addition to a healthy dietary and exercise lifestyle you can take anti oxidants, beta glucans and much more. As a physician I utilize Low dose naltrexone ( LDN) as well as herbal anti viral tinctures. One of the best anti viral tinctures I made is ViralTone
ViraTone exclusively from Botanical Bounty has saved hundreds of my patients from COVID. Even those that got COPVID and who were on ViralTone- the length and severity of the disease was mild compared to those moderate or severe cases.
To get ViraTone called Botanical Bounty as 646 723 1823