Detoxification is a word that is used often in Chinese Herbal Medicine. These detoxification programs are for healthy people with a robust digestion who want to rid their body of accumulated toxins. There is a lot written about how to detoxify. I feel detoxification programs are better suited for spring and summer rather than fall or winter.
Elimination of foods is the first step to detoxify
Do not think there are no foods left for you to eat when you start eliminating. You are eliminating a lot of foods: all foods with yeast ( which is practically everything ) You eliminate dairy, wheat, all sugars, all fruit especially dried fruits, all alcohol, foods with preservatives, pickles, vinegar products and much more. So what can you eat…
You can whole grains that are gluten free as brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa. You can eats beans , seeds and nuts ( no peanuts)
You can eat olives, flaxseed, and hempseeds You can eat vegetables any type and as much as you want but remember this —no more than half should be raw