Well men… Expect that this might happen to you. It is due to part to prostatic enlargement in middle life. I am in the middle of my life actually over the 50 year mark by 10 years . It is part of the aging process. This happens when free testosterone starts to decline. There is a lot of controversary about testosterone. The prostate is stimulated by increasing levels of estradiol. DHEA, prolactin and SHBG ( sex hormone binding globulin.) To find exactly what you need I encourage a IGS. This is Integrated Genetic Solution. I can find out how much hormones you need without guessing by checking your blood leve3ls and your genetics. I can actually make your own individualized and personalized Rx. I tailor medicine to you I do this for most of not all my patients

Reducing the size of the prostate with herbs can help sexual dysfunction I sometimes use treatment for BPH by using conventional medicine. By who needs drugs when I have at my disposal- HERBS

There are great trials using Saw Palmetto ( the DBRPC trial) I also use Pygeum africanum and Urtica diocia , pygeum and stinging nettles bark respectively. These herbs in the trial were not inferior to conventional drugs

Selenium in men also plays a pivotal role

So get your appointment today to get a IGS blood test to find exactly what you need.

Until tomorrow…
