There are many herbs that can be used to kill cancer and support the patient’s immune system. The list is vast From paw paw , also known as soursop to a Venus fly trap
There are two anticancer botanicals that need to be discussed. PaoPereira and Rauwolfa vomitoria. Some might know the Rauwolfa plant that is used in hypertension called R. serpentine. The medication produced from this plant is resperine.
Both botanicals above, Pao and Rauwolfa kill cancer cells and ONLY cancer cells. There are no toxic effects reported . They are taken throughout the day with meals.
R. vomitoria has a special affinity for hormonally dependent tissues as prostate, breast, testes, thyroid , ovaries and uterus. This is a very desirable herb if the organ is hormonally dependent. This herb has no anti viral benefits and DOES NOT cross the blood brain barrier. This is important. The alkaloid in the herb Pao Pereira does cross the blood brain barrier so it can be added to protocols that are used for brain cancers
The work n these herbs was done by the late Mirko Beljanski, , PhD. The work continues to carried out by his daughter, Slyvie and the Beljanski Foundation in New York City.