One year ago I planted garlic in my new home garden. I planted it too soon. I planted it in September From reading and looking at different types of garlic and long and short I am going to plant it before Thanksgiving. I will grow outside this year. I could start growing them inside and transfer to outside
I could do this by following three simple steps
#1. Cloves can be planted in the same container but must be spaced 1 to 2 inches apart.
#2. The root side of the clove – the narrow pointy part, must be placed down into the dirt first.
#3. Plant the cloves between four to six inches deep in a compost rich potting soil.
Garlic ( Allium sativum) is a medical herb used for centuries. Some of the uses of garlic are:
Treats and prevents gum disease
Helps treat common cold and flu symptoms, especially a persistent cough
Treats yeasts infections
Garlic oil helps remove splinters
Heals cold sore
Soothes yeast infection discomfort and helps correct the problem