APRIL 26- 28, 2019 BEE VENOM


This past week, Ann Kadet, a writer published an article in The Wall Street Journal. It discussed two apitherapy products from the hive, One was honey ; the other was bee venom She discussed harvesting honey from bee hives with my friend/ colleague/beekeeper Andrew Cote. Andrew sells his honey at the Green Market in Union Square and President of the NYC Beekeeper’s Association.

She discussed with me in an interview, the use of bee venom therapy. I discussed the use of bee venom over the centuries and the use in modern day medicine for a number of health conditions. Some of these conditions are autoimmune disease as arthritis, and multiple sclerosis, as well as for other autoimmune conditions and chronic Lyme Disease.

A NYC based physician, Bodog Beck, MD wrote a book called Bee Venom Therapy in 1935 published by the prestigious publisher D Appleton-Century Company. It was reissued some forty years later in 1981 by an osteopath , LA Doyle of Iowa. To date it is the stand alone book on Bee Venom.

I would encourage for all to read the article above and support your local bee keepers. I would also support the American Apitherapy Society (www.apitherapy.org) for which I am Vice president. I believe if we do not support such organizations and their efforts what was predicted by Rudolf Steiner in 1920 may happen—the disappearance of honeybees.

Until tomorrow…