This herb is found from Maine to Florida characterized by its lacey white flowers and a faint smell of wintergreen It is from the Buckhorn Family. It is known as New Jersey Tea. Botanically it is called Ceanothus americanus.

It is favored by the animal kingdom. Bees, wasps, flies, beetles, hairstreak butterflies and other pollinators seek nectar and pollen from the flowers. Caterpillars of several moths, azure butterflies and skippers feed on the foliage. Mammals (elk, deer, rabbits and cattle), Wild Turkey and Bobwhite Quail graze on the plant.

The roots and the roots bark are used to stimulate the lymphatic system I usually combine with Cleavers It is used to stimulate the immune system. I have used it with other herbs to shrink or diminish uterine fibroids.

Until tomorrow…