It is likely that you have eaten Turkey Tail . This mushroom is a well studied medicinal mushroom around the world along with others like Shiitake and Maitake. It has other names as Coriolus versicolor and Trametes versicolor.
Its main constituent ( active ingredient ) is PSP or PSK These are the beta glucans that stimulate the immune response. Due to these beta glucans, it has been shown to induce cell death and reduce cell proliferation in patients with cancer.
You may ask, “ Are there studies about the beneficial effects of Turkey Tail? There are more than 350 studies that have demonstrated these immune modulating properties and anti cancer activities. There are even human studies.
The renowned journal, The Lancet published a study of Turkey Tail and stomach cancer. There are ten year studies on the use of Turkey Tail and colorectal cancer
I would be informed on the many medicinal mushrooms. There are many good books concerning this subject
Until tomorrow…