The botanical name for Lovage is Levisticum officinale. Lovage, is a tall perennial plant, the sole species in the genus Levisticum in the family Apiaceae.  Lovage was used in medieval medicinal and kitchen gardens, and is relatively forgotten today

King Charlemagne loved lovage so much that he had stands of this herb planted among his gardens.

I have heard this plant referred to as the Maggi plant because of its association with magic- both love magic and protective magic. I find this fascinating. It does have medicinal uses. The root and underground stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine. Lovage is used as “irrigation therapy” for pain and swelling (inflammation) of the lower urinary tract, for prevention of kidney stones, and to increase the flow of urine when urinary tract infections or fluid retention is present

The leaves and ( the roots) have been used to invoke good fortune. I think I will plant this in urn stands in my garden this coming spring.

Until tomorrow…