Bayer at the beginning of the 20th century founded aspirin. Today more than 60 million Americans use aspirin daily for the purpose of preventing a heart attack. I was taught this during medical school and further in my fellowship of Cardiovascular Disease. The use of taking aspirin daily is now controversial. I feel every month I read a new article on aspirin to whether it is good or bad.

Derived from the plant, Willow bark ( Salix ssp_)its use as a preventive medicine was solidified in 1982 Physican’s Health Study. This study showed that doctors who took aspirin daily reduced their risk of heart attack by 44 %. There is no argument from me for those taking aspirin daily for secondary prevention The following should take aspirin daily if


  1. ia a heart attack survivor

  2. those with coronary heart disease

  3. those who have angioplasty or bypass surgery

  4. those with unstable angina

  5. those who have survived an ischemic stroke

  6. those with peripheral artery disease or carotid artery disease

The question is for those who do not have #1 through 6. Should one take aspirin daily for primary prevention if never had those above. I disagree with the new guidelines. I believe that aspirin are needed for heart disease and for those who yet have been diagnosed. This means those with higher risks as diabetes and obesity both of which lead to heart disease. Heart disease is till the NUMBER ONE in America So those taking aspirin now for prevention should NOT STOP

Until tomorrow…