I recently read a disturbing study about inactive ingredients found in oral medications. As a prescriber, I was outraged. As physicians, we have lost our rights- medicine is controlled by the pharmaceutical industry as well as the health insurance companies. Yes we have a medical license, a DEA certificate and a prescription pad, but we do not always get to prescribe the medications we want or the test we need to perform on our patients.

Overall 92.8 percent of oral solid medications contain at least one ( if not more) potential allergens. This dats was published in the March 13 2019 issue of the journal, Science Translational Medicine. Data from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston revealed that an average tablet or capsule of 42,052 orals studied had 8.8 inactive ingredients. How is this possible ? Only 12 % of active pharmaceutical ingredients are free of inactive ingredients. This means that 88% of pharmaceutical ingredients have inactive ingredients that are allergens. These allergens cause problems or disease.

This is scary. Does this mean we are getting poisoned by taking prescription medications. Perhaps this is why so many Americans have turned to natural medicines as supplements and herbs. I would rather turn to an herb or plant as a treatment

Until tomorrow…