Did you know that individuals with diabetes have a greater likelihood of developing back pain ? It has been shown that diabetics have an increased likelihood of developing back pain or spinal pain compared with those that do not have diabetes.

There were five studies involving 131,431 ( not a small study) which showed an increased likelihood of reporting back pain among people with diabetes compared to those without diabetes. I am sure that this has to do with obesity among type II diabetic patients. There was one study indicating 30% of people with obesity developed chronic back pain over 10 years.

Since obesity is associated with less physical activity—this could be the reason . The abnormal sugar and lipid levels also play a role . These abnormalities reduce muscle blood flow and increase cartilage inflammation this making physical activity impossible. There are many causes why diabetics exercise less. We have to change this . As a physician it is my obligation to encourage my patients to exercise.

Until tomorrow…