Are we giving too many vaccines to our children ? The answer is yes. We are inoculating diseases which are relatively benign in the vast majority of individuals as measles, chickenpox and mumps/ Why are we vaccinating against everything all at once and at a young age ? These questions need to be answered. For every bad effect someone will write a good effect or reasons to be vaccinated. There are some facts about children that should be considered
1 in 3 children are overweight
1 in 5 are obese
1 in 11 have asthma
1 in 10 have ADHD
1 in 2 have chronic illness
1 in 59 have autism
Do I keep telling you more statistics? In the 1970’s the statistic for autism was 1 in 100,000 and now it is 1 in 59. Do I need to say more. Why hasn’t the FDA studied vaccines and autism. This is a 160 fold increase Do I need to say more
Some want double blind randomized placebo controlled studies for herbs and supplements. I want a randomized, double blind placebo controlled study for vaccines. Is that unfair ? Would it prove anything?
I also am confused about this issue. I want what is right for children. I want NO disease in the world. This is impossible with an ever growing society of processed food, environment toxins and the agricultural industry
Think before you render an opinion. We are all entitled to an opinioin