Connecticut Integrative Medical Center located in Fairfield, CT offers integrative care from our diverse team of practitioners With combined care of medical doctor, licensed naturopathic physicians, nutritionists, and acupuncturists we will help you achieve your health goals.

I know each of these licensed naturopathic physicians very well. I was one of their professors at the UB College of naturopathic Medicine. Not only did I teach them various courses didactically, but had each of them on a clinic rotation with patients at the UB Clinic

We are unique to the State of Connecticut- we offer a variety of services as above, but also offer intravenous medically supervised drips for a variety of conditions. We specialize in Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes,Lyme, Cancer support, Autoimmune Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Obesity, Thyroid Disease, Metal Detoxification, Male and Female Conditions and much more. I have been practicing for 25 years in the field of Integrative Medicine ( formerly known as holistic or complimentary medicine)

Our team:

  1. Ryan Attar, ND MS Nutrition

  2. Emma Cooke, ND MS Nutrition

  3. Patrick Fratellone MD RH

  4. Jenny Goto, ND , MS Acupuncture

  5. Hannibal Miles, ND MS Nutrition

  6. Katie Zinn, ND MS Acupuncture

Call for an appointment today 203 -717 1339

We are open six days per week, Monday through Saturday.

Until tomorrow…